My existence is a life-long treasure hunt.

Archive for January 22, 2009

Today’s Colors: Gold and Purple

This is one of my favorite color combos. Yellow and purple are classic complementary colors (the other pairs are blue-orange, and red-green). I feel all royal today, lol. I love the warmth of the yellow and gold paired with the quirkiness of purple. These colors together catch your eye and warms up everything. For my previous Today’s Colors post, click on the label below.

Goldenrod-yellow top, purple scarf, purple and gold bangle bracelet, khaki slacks, purple and plum flats (you can see them in the 2nd pic; I’m sitting on my foot again).

Yellow-Purple – by Bohemian Bookworm on

25 Things About Me

Lex has tagged me for a meme (albeit on Facebook) so I am obliging. Here are the rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals. At the end, tag 25 other folks (I’m going to pretend I didn’t read that).

1. I hate (and have always hated) brown sweet stuff for some reason. This includes chocolate, cinnamon, and caramel.

2. In 1st grade, I once told a classmate that he would die before me because he was older than me. His mother (a teacher) overheard me and got really angry and told me that I might die first. I still think it’s funny that she let a 1st-grader get her so angry when I thought I was just stating the facts.

3. In 4th grade, I was helping my teacher put chairs on top of the desks (along with a few other teacher’s pets). Everyone was joking around saying, we’re gonna murder these chairs and stuff like that. I chimed in with, yeah we’re gonna RAPE these chairs! (At the time, I thought rape was a synonym for murder). A shocked silence fell over the classroom as the teacher said, we don’t say those kinds of things here.

4. I bring my own all-natural, peppermint/tea-tree oil liquid hand soap to the restroom at work. Public restroom soap is so stank.

5. I played the cello in 4th grade, and wish that I had kept it up.

6. I skipped 2nd grade.

7. My birthday is on Memorial Day this year.

8. Don’t get in my way over french fries. There will be blood.

9. I think my “lost career paths” were veterinarian, geneticist, painter, counselor, and writer.

10. As a toddler, I was always seen with a strawberry milkshake or Cherry Coke and would get really salty if I wanted one and it wasn’t there.

11. I have three tattoos.

12. I do not like being embarrassed and will do anything to avoid it. Thus, I am a master at playing it off (it being tripping, falling, whatever).

13. I hate pickles, onions, and mushrooms.

14. At a meal, I have a tendency to eat everything first, and then drink afterward instead of eating and drinking together.

15. I like cheeks. When I hug loved ones, I always try to get a little cheek action. (Not butt cheeks, people).

16. I hate movie theaters on crowded nights. I feel trapped and I just want to stretch out but can’t.

17. Since I began eating vegan, I don’t have much of a sweet tooth anymore. I am satisfied with some strawberry-banana applesauce or a strawberry fruit popsicle. I don’t really like candy anymore.

18. I LOVE when people have game nights. I get really competitive and try and repress it around people I don’t know too well. But trivia games, video games, bowling, pool, whatever; I love it and will be guaranteed a fun night.

19. I have always been TERRIFIED that a home I live in will catch fire. All those episodes of Rescue 911 (remember that show?) have ruined my life.

20. I can imitate people rather well.

21. I hate getting my hands dirty/greasy, so when eating something that doesn’t require utensils, I will only use the thumb and index finger on both hands (occasionally the middle fingers) to make for minimum wipe-offage/rinse-age.

22. I have an affinity for old folklore and mythical creatures like mermaids.

23. I have never seen Waiting to Exhale (black woman card revoked) or Titanic (human card revoked).

24. I have a potent death-stare.

25. If I point at something/someone, I often use my pinky instead of my index finger because I am self-conscious about my long fingers (I was also teased mercilessly growing up for my big feet relative to my height).

Ok, I’ll be damned if I tag 25 people seeing how this isn’t Facebook. I am tagging Desiree, Vesper, Little Miss Knobody, Marlo, Doc Brown, Chanel, Chocolate Orchid, and anyone else who hasn’t done a similar meme. Get to it!